Pedestrian safety has now been realised with the opening today of the new shared pathway along a stretch of Ocean Drive at Bonny Hills.

 Federal funding of $1.87 million was gained through the former Coalition Government and allocated from Port Macquarie Hastings Council’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program grant to deliver the project.

 The program supported councils across the country to deliver priority road and community infrastructure projects.

 The shared pathway was built along the eastern side of Ocean Drive at Bonny Hills between Graham and Rodley Streets and connects with an existing path at Panorama Drive.

 Dr. Gillespie said the shared pathway, an overdue piece of infrastructure was important for safety and convenience, and he was pleased to deliver the funding.

 There are some great benefits of the pathway, and it would be used by pedestrians, people with mobility scooters, parents with prams, bicycle riders, and dog walkers.

 This pathway will provide safer pedestrian options, connecting locals with businesses, holiday accommodation and recreational spaces in the heart of the coastal village.

 The project formed part of a plan to provide better connectivity for residents and visitors alike getting them off the road and giving them better access to the beach.